About Us

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Collaborative Strength is a Community Supported Fitness brand that believes in Fitness Access For All. Join us for one of our virtual weekly workouts or schedule a consultation for Personal Training or Healthy Lifestyle Coaching.

How It Began

The concept of Collaborative Strength began during the pandemic of 2020 with a simple question: how can we keep people active in a safe way and with the least amount of cost involved? This led to weekly, donation based live classes streamed on social media and has grown into a fitness brand that includes personal training and healthy lifestyle coaching. Through collaborative efforts, we raise funds to provide fitness access for individuals who would otherwise be unable to afford it. We do this by putting a portion of our revenue from classes, events, and merchandise into our Community Supported Fitness fund. This fund provides fees for personal training, healthy lifestyle coaching, and group fitness to ensure Fitness Access For All. Take a class, help a neighbor.

If you know of someone who lives on a low or fixed income, or has received a life changing diagnosis that has increased their medical costs , is rebuilding strength after an illness, injury or surgery and could use the support of a fitness expert, we’re here to provide them with the help they need.

Together we are stronger.